vpype Command Line Utility for Vector Graphics

By dave, 16 December, 2024

The Swiss-Army-knife command-line tool for plotter vector graphics.




vpype is the Swiss-Army-knife command-line tool for plotter vector graphics. Here is what it can do:

  • layout existing vector files with precise control on position, scale and page format;
  • optimize existing SVG files for faster and cleaner plots;
  • create HPGL output for vintage plotters;
  • create generative artwork from scratch through built-in commands or plug-ins;
  • create, modify and process multi-layer vector files for multi-colour plots;
  • and much more...

vpype is highly extensible through plug-ins that can greatly extend its capabilities. For example, plug-ins already exists for plotting pixel art, half-toning with hatches, and much more. See below for a list of existing plug-ins.

vpype is also a well documented Python library useful to create generative art and tools for plotters. It includes data structures, utility and I/O functions, as well as a hardware-accelerated flexible viewer for vector graphics. For example, the plotter generative art environment vsketch is built upon vpype.

Check the documentation for a more thorough introduction to vpype.
